Thursday, 13 November 2008

Definitions relationships

I am looking at how I have defined relationships within my life. I am looking at what shaped these definitions, what events shaped and formed my idea of what a relationship apparently is or seem to be and then based ALL my relationships in my life experience upon these events or event triggered definitions in my life.

It seems clear now that I have defined relationships based upon the relationships within the family i grew up in and the experiences I had with friends in school.

When looking at the relationships that has affected me most in my life it has been the daughter-father relationship, ,but also the everyday "family life" I experienced with events within this that had such an impact on me that they shaped my entire idea of relationships, in particular towards men in my life.

I didnt at that point understand or realize that what my father expressed or did had nothing to do with me but all to do with him and his allowances. As a child I started of blaming myself, I must be the cause, I must deserve this, only later to pass all the blame onto him, it was all his fault, he had ruined my childhood, he had ruined the family, he had ruined my life, etc.
Subconsciously I then equated that since he was the first male rolemodel in my life, this is the only male early in my life that represents what males are and stand for, so i then made the equation that this is what all men must be like, or even worse, this is what a man apparently should be like.

I hated the guts of him, I loathed him, I begged for the fucker to dieeee a long slow death, I wanted him out of my life and everyone elses, I wanted never ever to see or talk to him again, because he was the cause for all the misery, all the fear, that he had projected unto us, and I hated him because I didnt deserve this, I didnt ask to be bloody born, if I had done I would have made sure to NEVER chose a father like that, lol
Also at the same time hoping, wanting and desiring him to just take care of me, accept me unconditionally and love me.

I see now that I took his behaviour, his words and actions personally. I see now that it had nothing to do with me. It was his personal demonic battle within himself, but he didnt see this, he didnt realize that he was responsible for himself, and if he did, it scared the shit out of him and he suppressed it. I also see now that having such a father has assisted me immensly. Maybe I would not be where I am now, facing these points, and now actually realizing what gifts there are in these experiences.
For the first time in my existence I have an opportunity to release myself from these constructs and see who I really am.

I also realize that I hid all my own fears, and all my own suppressions behind him. Since he was being the devil, all the shit that was going on inside of me, the fears, the worry, all the questions, i could suppress just a little bit longer, not having to face myself or take self responsability. This ofcourse can only last for so long, until you compound it so much that the bubble birsts, or you live through you allowances, your manifested allowances to see what you are doing and simply stop when youve had enough of it. The living through not being necessary if you allow yourself to see, in self honesty and forgive yourself unconditionally for it all and then practically walk the changes. Prove to yourself that you see the point, you understand and realize what is real and what is not.

As a child I looked upon my parents as superiour, in particular my father. I actually believed that I deserved all i experienced from him, the lack of affection, love, care. I began to believe that being hit, screamed at and apparently loathed, taken for granted and pushed around was ok, and the way it simply was. Looking at my father as the bad one and my mother as the good one, the comfort, the saviour, the safe haven if all went to hell.
I see now the polarity play out here, between good and bad. between love and hate, between fear and safety/contentment. And I also see that my believing that I was not worthy to be loved, that I was inferiour to the male actually paved my way with relationships to men in my life, projecting the inferiority which would ofcourse attract the superiority male to balance itself out.
And I see now how it all worked, I see the equation behind it all. I allowed each and every single experience in my life because I created it all through my beliefs and thoughts. I manifested my experience of me, there is absolutely noone I can blame. That is a shockign realization, because then I realize that I, and only I am responsible for myself, and what I allow myself to be one and equal to and thus manifest in my life!
And then I go duh!!!! how come I never saw this. This is common sense.
There is no point in beating myself up over not seeing it "earlier", what matters is here. What matters is that I realize it, now I have to live it. Live the change, and actually stop this whole manifested loop and actually change my experience of myself here.

I also realized that early on in my childhood we moved around a lot. I never had an opportunity to make friends, because I knew we would not stay that long, or i feared we would have to leave again. So I was a loner. Building this invisible wall around me to protect myself, not letting anyone in or too close. The few i did let in turned out to be liars, letting me down, turning on me, leaving me, using me, which only compunded it all. So, friends were not to be trusted. Friends are superficial, and selfish, and there is simply noone on this planet you can trust but yourself! So, I was my own best friend. All of this also projected in the desire to meet a man to share it all with, who i could simply share all of me with, this actually keeping the polarity of ,on the one hand desiring a relationship and on the other hand resenting it, avoiding it. If i believe noone can be trusted, how will I then experience a relationship? What do I project that will seek to balance itself out if not deceit, the very thing I fear. lol
And so I would run around for most in my life, keeping myself very busy indeed being miserable, for no reason at all really. Well i see now why this was in place, and for what purpose this loop would be maintained within this contructed so called reality.

Self forgiveness on these realizations to follow.