Sunday, 24 February 2008

neutralize words

Since the only way for us here on this planet right now to communicate is through words - then isn´t is strange how much we take words for granted and how we abuse words??!!

So, through you words, with words as a tool you express who you are to other beings.

It would make sense then to say that it becomes vital to use words in awareness. Because if you do not, if you allow you to abuse words by for instance speaking- writing - without awareness - of being HERE in breath - then you take no responsability for you and your life and what you allow and do not allow. You would then allow your mind to direct you and with that you would be supporting separation from words - and the separation on this planet and amongst beings.

With this process I all of a sudden realize the imortance of this. If I am not aware of my words then I am irresponsible and self dishonest.

With that I also ask myself - words - ok - so what is a word? And then I see that within me all words have got lables, such as, "bad" words, "unsuitable" words, "naughty" words and so on.

But a word is just a word!! A word is innocent - it just is.

So it must be ME that has allowed the allocations, associations and lables on the words?!!

But, I then ask myself WHY?? How did this happen??

1) School!!! This is by far the major source for me. This is where I was taught what was apparently acceptable and what was not. Which words to not use since they were apparently not suitable, or bad, or somehow allocated into categories that was tied in with beliefs, emotions, feelings, pictures etc. So I was basically taught in school, or programmed in school to actually believe that some words were better then others. Polarity. In fact - it is clear now that school was nothing but systematic mindprogramming - moulding me and my mind itno what would be seen as an "acceptable" systematic being in a systematic society rather then allowing me as an individual, as a being in my own right to express me as who I really am, and support and assist me in that process.

And it still continues- There are children at this very moment being abused, forced and subdued to fit into this mold and we are allowing this?????!!!!!

2) Parents / Family

This is a very strange combination that a child is subjected to. School and parents - the combination causes a lot of friction and contradictions and confusion within.

You have got your paretns too that tells you that this words is unacceptable. you simply do not swear, because it might offend other people. But you can never really understand WHY a word would offend or hurt anyone. Noone can actually explain that to you, because they have been programmed the exact same way.

And then you realize that there is a lot of lying goin on, a lot of deception. Because you will then hear you parents swear, even thouhg you have just been told it is unacceptable, but apparently it is ok for themn to use a forbidden word, at least if they get really angry or huirt themselves or something goes wrong.

Just look at it- Can you see how utterly pathetic and redicilous it all is? Where is the common sense here??

The word SEX for instance. What happens inside when you see that word, read it out loud?

for me it brings up memories I´d rather not have. it brings up other words associated with it such as embarassment, tabu, wet, horny, disgust, rape etc etc etc.

So to clean that word up, or release it again I would say:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assoicate the word sex with embarassment

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted mysel to associate the word sex with pornographic pictures in my head

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate and allocate the word tabu to the word sex

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word sex as something disgusting

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word sex with rape, pain and abuse

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the words sex as ugly, dirty, filthy and unsuitable

i forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to associate the word sex with power, manipulation, money, fear and control

I forgive myself taht I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word sex with wetness, noise, sweat, liquid, violence, and agression

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the words sex

i forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be sexually abused by men in my life

I forgive myself taht I have accpeted and allowed myself to abuse sex and abuse me

I forgive myself taht I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate men with sex

I forgive myself that I have accpepted and allowed myself to abuse the word sex

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate and control men in my life through sex

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word sex with horny, kissing, fondling, touching, moaning, and orgasm

- as I am doing this forgiveness I realise the layers upon layers here. Any words I use in the forgiveness, if there is any reactuion within I also have to look at that specific word and apply forgiveness accordingly.

Write them all out and then speak it out loud.

So - clearly we have to "clean" words up. Since we all have different allocations, thoughts, feeligns and emotions attached to different words we have to individually work through it, and apply self forgiveness on any reaction or feeling, emotion, picture, memory , etc if any that a word brings up within us.

Until the moment arrives when a word is just a word. When it is innocent again, and can be used without any lables again. Free the words and you will free you!!

Where the word is one and equal to you, as life in oneness and equality.

It will take dedication!!

And once we have forgiven a word, and realeased it we can test ourselves with the word purifier too (can be found at

until we are all one and equal to all manifestations and beings in creation!