Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Ive got issues with Egypt

Ok - this one I grant is very strange. It´s strange to me as well, but egypt for me,ah i dunno - it stirs up a lot of shit inside me so i will try to get deeper into it to realease this mind construct:

I forgive myself that I have allowed the word egypt, and all that entails such as the pyramids - all the histroy around that era to make me angry - REALLY fucking angry - and in that allowing myself to get confused since I cannot again with rationalize or make any sense of it, instead of simply realizing it is my mind that has created some sort of illusion regarding this and hence I react - who I really am cannot react - reactions are mind created illusions

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted mysel to associate egypt with corruption, enslavement, death, fear, hate, violence, abuse, starvation, mystery, money, power - all of which supports and maintains separation and deception - what stands for asolutely everything we are not as who we really are of oneness and equality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look upon those monuments as a reminder of something horrific - that instead of being allowed to stand there should be removed

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear the pyramids

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that its all deception, that the real truth behind it is suppressed and kept from the public

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted mysel to HATE history as I was taught it in school since it was and is obvious that it was all bullshit - and that you are never told the truth in school because this world and the systems are based on separation

I forgive myself that I have allowe and accepted myself to allow myself to have any reaction towards anything or any subject - since I am fully aware it´s all mind consciousness constructs and not who i really am

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to get irritated by people who are fascinated by egypt and all that entails because I then think they are ignorant and stupid - clearly it´s all bullshit and a major mind fuck - and in that i actuall judge others as me - and forget that we are all one and equal and that only mind have reactions of any sort

I forgive myself that I have allowed my mind to yet again direct and control me insetad of M E taking charge and controlling me as all as one and equal in onness and equality in every moment o every breath.

Till here no further: I do not allow any thoguhts feelings or emotions of mind to inluence me as who I really am in any way what so ever.
I direct me. I control me. I do not allow any separation, deceit, fear, doubt judgement in my life.
I apply me in self honesty and self trust of every mometn of every breath.

hmmm I can tell I´ve only scratched the surface here - will work more on this until its gone - but Ill do it in bed- this chair is hurtin my rear - or is it the other way


theseeker said...

Hang on, Marianne! Take it easy!

So... I don't really understand. You dislike the country of Egypt, the people, or the whole "Egypt Mythos" that the New Age Weenies drone on and on about? Because i can get behind that last one.

And you cal ME a "luney?"


Marianne said...

LOL Darryl

no its not about the people per se, it´s the whole concept of pyramids, the history surounding this, all the bullshit surrounding it, and it´s basically the manifestations there of this that I've got this strange unease towards. I know it´s mad, and hell I know I´m a luney. People still go on about these fuckin pyramids and get stuck up on the history they have been taught. It´s almost like, well get over it. I´m fed up of that being brought up and constantly mulled over, chew it and spit it out only to chew it again. it´s ofcourse me that is the problem, ´cause I have create this issue for me- so hence trying to get rid of it by applying forgiveness. Jeez the mind fucks I create for myself. It´s plain to see that right now my worl is a bit rocky. It´s almost like I´ve got no foundation at the moment, and everything is just very busy falling apart. Yes, I´m falling apart - the old me is fragmenting - so hence or a while it's total and utter confusion, and all sorts o strange things pop up. And this I´m doin out in the
Anyway - rambling now - thanks for the q anyway. I coul have easily answered this y simply saying, I suppose it is the eypt mythos