Saturday, 19 January 2008

Religion anyone?

I´ve had so many discussions in my life about religion, I remember once my mom came to visit. She was brought up in a very Christian home. The kind where on sundays you were not allowed to work. You were to be silent, and just hang around, preferably listen to mass on the radio and feel generally guilty for apparently being such a sinful and "bad" person. As long as you lived according to the Bible, and prayed every now and again, you were ok.

It´s strange how people can end up within such illusionary constructs, and how they can get so lost in them that they actually believe them to be true.
why does noone ever wake up and see what religion really stands for?
It´s hiding behind something or someone who is apparently better than you, putting your responsibility for your life somewhere out there in someone else's hands, that tells you what to do and how to behave, and if you do it well enough you´ll apparently be rewarded for your dedication.
What an utter mind fuck literally that is! It would be hilariously funny if it was not so very very sad.

Anyway, we ended up in this discussion about God existing or not, and me claiming that he did not, that he simply could not, because look at it. How can there possibly be a God (or any other so called higher deity)up there with all that is going on here with abuse, murder, war, fear - no God worthy of being called God could and would ever allow such a thing. So common sense tells me that this God story we have been taught (by people who in turn have been told this fib) is utterly untrue. We´re all we´ve got folks.

I can understand that might have caused some fear within her. I don´t think that she dared give that any further thought. Because as usual, human beings lives are ruled by fear. You fear everything, you fear yourself, you fear death. Look at you - list all your fears - and you´ll have a shock. You fear getting ill - so you go to the doctor who gives you pills that you believe will cure you but really makes you ill, you fear aging, because apparently your nearing death then, and death is the ultimate fear, you fear losing money, you fear others and what they might do to you, you fear the future, you fear others judgment, you fear not being liked, you fear you´ll fail and not be good enough, you fear animals, you fear losing your job, you fear you´ll fail in school - have a close look and you´ll see it´s all fears.

So people fear everything. Never once asking, but hey, what is this fear?? WHY am i always in fear?
I´m fed up with this fear - what IS going on?
Asking that being the only way out. because then you´ll realize that fear only exist in your mind. It is something illusionary that you have created. Totally unnecessarily. Convenient in this reality though where all are controlled by fear. So fear generates fear - vicious circle.

And some have realized this, and use it to their advantage. So the best weapon to rule this world with , is fear. Very very effective. But only if you allow it to. If you allow you to not apply common sense in your life. And hence start asking yourself some fundamental questions.

Why am I and have I allowed this?
Why is it like this?
How did we all end up like lost little sheep scared shit less of ourselves?
What am I doing about it?
Who am I, really?
How do we stop it?
What is the solution to this twisted reality?

So religion, is one o the most horrific, uly, dangerous and corrupt creations of human kind.
Religion stands for murder, separation, wars, lies, deceit, fear - the list is very long.
All done in the name of God. When human kind really realizes this, we´ll hang our heads in shame or what we have accepted and allowed.


Leila Zamora Moreno said...

your writings calm me down :)

Marianne said...

Thanks Leila - a nice way of saying makes me fall asleep I suppose LOL.
JK as you know. Marianne

kid mongo said...

Hey, Marianne! Great post. Blog looks great, too.

Marianne said...

Hey Ann & Kid
you say the nicest things...;o)
Yes, religion, one of the major fuck ups we have allowed!!
At the root of most, if not all "evil". So lets all uproot it, and kill it of once and for all!!